Saturday, October 6, 2007

Next RIDE: Dirt

We're at it again at the Ski Area, going to be a purely shuttle'd experience this time and it's gonna be a blast with the cooler-weather and late-summer-ish trails. Should be some awesome colors amongst the trees as fall sets in, so if you aren't up for the ride, you should consider just the round-trip on a lift to take it all in. Here's the particulars:

When: THURSDAY (Oct 11) 11am
MEET: To be determined, (near 4-hills most likely)
Back: Should be back by late afternoon

Rock on!


Hey Folks~

Been a short while since the last posting, I do apologize but as life gets busy... you know what I mean.

Anyhoot, Now's the time to enjoy the fall weather and get a ride in, lots of rides in, as the weather is cool/crisp, and the heat is reduced by a nice breeze This coming Saturday - Oct 13 - we're going to ride along Tramway from South to North and right before scooting around the corner and downhilling-it to I-25 we'll climb up to our turn-around point at the base of the La Luz Trail. Yep, some climbing is in order, and not too-difficult a grade to surmount over the mile-or-two distance. So for those amiable, here are the specifics:

Ride: Out and Back to La Luz trailhead
Where from: Formerly Raley's store parking lot, Lomas just West of Tramway
Assemble: 6:45a
Leave: By 7:05a
Pace: 14-25mph along Tramway, then whatever crawl-ascend can be mustered up to the trailhead.

We should conclude our ride by Mid-Morning (10am-ish) and be avail for whatever our weekend plans are. This ride was selected for it's length and climb, wide-shoulder both N & S, and the probable lack of Balloon-tourist traffic that would prove contentious elsewhere while still allowing a view of the balloons if they would be drifting South.
Any questions/comments, post in the comments section and I'll fill you in.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Had an incredible time at the Caldera this past Sunday with Steve Johnson. If you'd planned on going, wanted to go, or just missed it altogether, here are a few pics to show you what you missed. Here's part of the intro downhill-ish section: Valle Caldera1
It was at least a mile long, and was a fun (fast) swoopy jeep-road through the forest. I hit 30mph carving it up, definitely smile-ville.
Then, after some killer meadow crossings we began the hurt. The climbs were tough, but the views were incredible. Here's one from the first few miles: VC-pause on climb

I'm planning on doing this again in MAY '08 when the VC Trust opens their gate to MTB'rs again. Lotta training to do so there are no "push" moments where we wimped and chose Hike-a-bike as the climbing method due to the strain. 29.4 miles total, ascended and descended roughly 2500', and endured sleet/rain/mud/creek-crossings/and a good dose of misery with the threat of lightning strikes while getting so soaked it made trail negotiating difficult. Great for the memories though, and a nice gash that'll be my take-away as a scar to remember it by. ~E

Monday, August 27, 2007


Yep, Time like never before, a ride in the dormant volcano! Mountain Bike with us on a fabulous ride in the Reserve. HERE IS THE LINK for you to reserve your spot, and be sure to sign up for the CLIMBER route designation. We're going to hit it this coming Sunday morning, SEPT 2. As we get there and in, then we'll decide the length/difficulty we'll agree on doing. You really don't want to miss it as they only open the place to bicycles twice a year.
Here's the particulars:

TIME: 6am to figure carpool/ride scenario and scoot North.
MEETING AT: Lowe's Home Center, Paseo/I-25. In the parking-lot in front of Lowes nearest Paseo Del Norte (in the central North section).
THE RIDE: Valle Caldera National Preserve.
RIDING 20-30 miles, 3-6 hours depending on participants and experience level. We'll be looking forward to you joining us!

Together is better!

Last weekend's ride..

Heck yeah! Climbing King of the Mountain was tougher/and more fun that expected. Happy to give the "clinic" to Harold, Pat, and Ali on the finer points of technical riding. Missed Offir and anyone else at the top as we were slower than expected getting up there. Not so easy on it's own, but add a relative newbie with a 50# Magna FS rig, and you know we're stopping to rest regularly. Was able to "clean" more sections than I'd thought I would, so pretty impressed/satisfied with myself.
For those that missed it, and you don't want to miss it before it's over for 2007, either get your b-hinney in gear and get up there this weekend. This is the last weekend of the regular summer-season, but not the last time you can hit it. During the balloon fiesta week they open again for all the fine folks that are here to visit, and for us who didn't catch enough of it to do it again in a slightly more chilly month. TENTATIVELY SET: SKI AREA NEXT RIDE OCT 13 (Saturday) For those up for the challenge of a good climb, or those who want to coordinate and meet (more sync'd next time) at the top.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Something to stir up da hype...

CHECK THIS OUT! It'll get your gumption-running! I totally wish we had it in line for this Saturday's ride (noted below) but alas, it's much, much, much more mellow but fun all the same. ~E

Sunday, August 19, 2007

More Details on Saturday's Ski Area Ride...

Hey Gang,

Thought it'd be prudent to pass on the additional details about this Saturday's plans. HERE is a link to the ski area we're going to ride. The cost is minimal ($9-one round trip with Bike/$16 all-day with bike) and they have nice bikes avail to rent for those who do not have but want to join anyway. Check the above-link for additional info. Also: HELMETS are mandatory, body-armor optional. Don't think you'll need the body armor, it's all about how fast you go really, the GE run is pretty mellow at slower speeds. Be not afraid!
Two different start/meet times are in order for our assault/gravity-fest at the ski area, so pick you passion and drink your fill. Because of the 2 different start places and times do take note of the particulars if you are interested in joining. I've invited a bunch of people to check this blog if they had any measurable interest, and hopefully all who were invited can join us. Together is better!

The Climbing party will rock up King of the Mountain to wait for the down-only set to arrive at the top before descending. I am very-amped to do the climb myself, so this will be the first time I'm not present at the bigger assembliage of folks to "rally the troops". As some of us live on the East and West side of the Sandias, we will be meeting in the parking-lot at the Ski area around 6:45am to start climbing by 7:10am. With the head-start we should be at the top with plenty of time to meet those shuttling up.
So, Climbers: 6:45am @ the Sandia Ski Area Parking lot. I am driving from my house around and up, so anyone who would like to car-pool from my Lomas/Tramway vicinity is welcome to post a comment here to claim a spot in 'Netta (my Honda). I have room for 2 additional bikes on the trunk rack, plus a third could de-assemble to fit in the trunk if technically possible. Otherwise, if your partial to the pain climbing would add to the gravity-assisted descent and want to join, please do and we'll see you there.

The Shuttle-bunnies will be meeting at the Starbucks/Dion's at Four Hills to carpool. Starbucks is a nice pre-ride espresso, but with the limited parking it's advisable to park on the South-side of that strip of businesses nearer the Dion's. My friend Bryan works at that Starbucks, and I wouldn't want our parked remains to keep him from additional tips because some soy-half-caff latte-lover couldn't find a parking spot nearby. The Lifts start-up at 10am, So I'm going to guess that meeting around 9am and leaving within 15-20minutes will get you to the ski area, get your lift-ticket, etc and be ready to shuttle by 10a. I am only suggesting this start point for the carpoolers in the shuttlin' set. It's a pretty sweet lot on the Easternmost-edge of Albq. proper and convenient for most. I am not sweating this choice. If it's agreed anywhere else is more convenient for that group (i.e. Grace) post a comment and get the word out of the best option. I'll be seeing you at the top.
Shuttler's: 9am @ Starbucks/Dion's 4-hills, Central/Tramway When we assemble at the top together, We'll take Golden Eagle down.
Right On! I'm really looking forward to this, and again hope everyone invited can make it. It'd be great to have such a presence Praising Him up there! I read every comment, and reply, so do make any questions known. ~Ethan-ator